Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Porterlance Books should be included in the 11-01-09 Launch of RippleReader.com

"One Stormy Day" and "A Stranger At Christmas" should be included in the 11-01-09 launch of RippleReader.com.

It seems like a great idea, that will have a solid launching. It's a program you put on your computer for your kids. You, GrandParents, or Parents overseas in the Military can purchase books for the kids...and record themselves reading those books to the kids. The kids look on the computer, and can play the book in digital format and hear their loved one reading the book to them. And, they encourage the parents to purchase the paperback/physical copy of the book so the child can use it while reading along.

I'll make sure to post links once they launch...so everyone can check it out. :-)

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